Q: How quickly can you lease my property?
A: We understand that a vacant property costs you money. There are 2 main factors that get a property
rented: PRICE AND CONDITION. If either one of those doesn't match up to the current market, the property will not lease.
- Advising you on a marketable rent rate - set the price too high and your property will sit vacant or price it too low and you are leaving money on the table.
- Getting the unit in “rent-ready” condition - We have a complete make ready staff.
- 回应 quickly to show the property when an inquiry is made - We respond to all leasing calls.
Q: What type of properties do you manage?
A: We provide superior management of single-family homes, townhomes, condos, and apartments
from a duplex up to apartment complexes of 50 units.
Q: How do you control costs on repairs?
A: The majority of repairs are handled with our staff. Employing staff to handle repairs is not easy and not very common in the management
industry, but it helps us control quality and cost. We take these savings and pass them onto our
主人. Hiring a 3rd party vendor is easier, but costs can spiral out of control quickly.
Q: How is your screening process for new tenants?
答:彻底! We check credit, income, rental history and criminal background. If an applicant cannot provide
check stubs or is self-employed then we will review tax returns or bank statements to verify income.
Q: How do you handle tenants?
A: We treat tenants like customers. Tenant turnover is costly to property investors. 我们的理念是
keep the tenant as long as possible which will increase the owner's profit in the long run. 回应
to repair issues quickly and answering tenants questions in a timely manner are important to us.
Q: Who handles the middle of the night calls?
A:是的! We are on call 24 hours a day. 你何必担心呢?? That’s why you hired us! 大多数紧急情况是
prioritized and often can wait until the next day.
Q: Can I reach you after hours?
A: Absolutely, we are available to our 主人 at any time. Many of our 主人 live outside the country
and communicate easily via email or phone calls.
Q: What types of reports do I get and how often?
A: Statements post on the 10th of every month to the owner portal. The owner will get an email notifying
them the statement has posted. We can easily customize any report to meet our owner’s needs.
A detailed income statement will post at the end of the year along with a W1099.
Q: Do you sell real estate?
A: We are licensed Realtors with over 20 years experience. Whether you are buying or
selling our experienced associates can assist you.
Q: How and when do I get my funds?
A: Our contract requires that all net proceeds, less reserve and security deposits, be distributed
to the 主人 on or before the 10th of every month. All proceeds are directly deposited into our
bank account provided within the owner portal and you will receive an email notification letting
you know transfer has been done.
Q: What is your rent collection process?
A: Rent is due on the 1st and late on the 3rd. The eviction process is begun on the 4th unless you
instruct us otherwise. We provide tenants with five ways to pay, including MasterCard, Visa, and
auto-draft, so paying is easy.
Q: How does your company handle evictions?
A: If a tenant stops paying and we placed the tenant, we will represent you for FREE. 尽管你
are responsible for specific court costs, we will attend ALL hearings and file ALL necessary paperwork
在法庭上. The filing fee is typical $95, decided by the JP courts. You are notified and kept
abreast of all legal action, including court dates, 24/7 by our experienced team.
Q: Do you offer 24/7 service?
A: During regular business hours, our clients and tenants can contact our head office. After business hours,
there is an emergency/security hotline, which is set up to alert the property manager in-charge in case of
an emergency situation. Depending on the situation, the property manager will contact both the owner and tenant immediately.