AREA 德州房地产 & Property 管理 has been proudly serving the 赌lol比赛app area for over twenty 年. 我们的赌lol比赛app房地产经纪人和物业经理带来了丰富的赌lol比赛和奉献精神来帮助我们的赌lol比赛app. 这是基础 on which our company was built and remains 我们今天成功的关键. We make it our business to exceed your expectations every step of the way. 无论你是想买还是想卖你的房子, 或者正在寻找物业经理来管理你的 rental income property or vacation rental in the 赌lol比赛app area we can help you. 见见我们在AREA 德州房地产的房地产专家团队吧 & 管理!
凯文·马切克(凯文Macicek)从小就对房地产产生了热情,当时他在加尔维斯顿(Galveston)打理家里的出租房产. After graduating from Sam 赌lol比赛app State University in 1988 with a BBA in Business , 凯文拿到了他的房地产执照 这对他来说是一条很自然的职业道路. 他开始了他的房地产事业,在他的前公司赌lol比赛app住宅公司帮助别人买卖房产 . 凯文转而购买自己的房产,包括单户和多户 持有一些,翻新和出售其他的. This lifetime of experience has proven instrumental in his career, giving him a breadth of knowledge that he carries into each transaction.
Kevin treats each client like family and each transaction with great detail, 在整个过程中提供出色的洞察力. His knowledge and expertise are an asset whether clients need help with buying, 销售或管理房地产. 他有 unique ability to find and create value and is a firm believer in the power of Real Estate. 为了进一步实现他的愿景,他雇佣了一群代理商和员工,他们的目标是一致的——赌lol比赛app满意度和成功.
Kevin is an established member of TAR, HAR, IREM and NARPM. He has been a licensed Broker with the 德州 Real Estate Commission ( TREC) since 1995.
Lidieth macicek -作为运营经理,她是德克萨斯地区房地产家族不可或缺的一部分. 她在房地产和物业管理行业的丰富赌lol比赛使她对赌lol比赛app的需求有着深刻的理解, 一个知识库 她经常教育现有和潜在赌lol比赛app,并不断提供个性化的方法来提供公司的关键服务. Lidieth的职业生涯始于威德福石油和天然气行业的分析师,她擅长识别 解决软件问题.
她的成功使她成为壳牌公司拉丁美洲IT项目经理. 这些能力已经转化为轻松和专业地解决复杂的赌lol比赛app问题. Having transitioned into her role as a successful business 老板, 现在,她利用自己强大的商业头脑,确保公司日常活动和赌lol比赛app关系的无缝运作.Lidieth graduated from University of 赌lol比赛app with a BA in Business Administration. 天生的领导者 and certified yoga instructor, she blends and balances her professional and personal life. When not at the office she can be found spending time with her husband Kevin , 她蹒跚学步的孩子和三个可爱的继子女.
特拉维斯斯莱奇是一个自豪的成员地区德州房地产团队作为房地产经纪人和物业经理. 他在单户和多户家庭的销售、租赁和物业管理方面都有赌lol比赛. Before becoming a licensed 房地产经纪人, Travis was a general 超过15年的承包商. Travis brings his knowledge of construction into every transaction. 赌lol比赛app受益于他的赌lol比赛和他教育新手投资者或买家的能力.
Marlem康德 has over 6 年 of experience as a property manager. She started her career as a realtor helping clients buy and sell homes. 然而, 她很快就被物业管理所吸引,并决定将其作为自己职业生涯的重点.
Marlem在一家较小的公司开始了她的职业生涯,在那里她处理了100多个物业的物业管理的各个方面. She's accustomed to leasing, making ready and tenant relations. 她在ATR的主要工作是让物业为市场做好准备,并确保他们及时租赁.
卡米尔是我们的租赁助理. She obtained her BS in 2014 in Hospitality and Tourism 管理. 她是我们团队的最新成员,对如何让我们的居民适应和过渡到他们的新家有很好的理解. 她协助完成租赁和任何其他必要的文书工作,以完成租赁交易. 此外,Camille促进了入职流程,并确保所有人都可以访问门户.
Cindi has been in the property management industry for over 13 年, 她在哪里成功地管理了多户型和住宅单元的维修部门. 从前台到唱片主人, 租户, 维护, 和排版调整, Cindi做到了这一切!
Cindi于2017年加入我们的团队,担任投资组合经理. She is responsible for the completion of every work order that is received in our system. She works closely with our in-house 维护 team and preferred vendors. 带着富有感染力的微笑, Cindi以能够解决租户和业主面临的问题而自豪. Having been mentioned in a number of positive online reviews from both 老板s and 租户, 辛迪的职业道德不言自明.
希拉·冈萨雷斯是我们的业主服务协调员. 她在不同行业拥有超过十年的赌lol比赛app服务赌lol比赛,并在房地产行业拥有超过7年的赌lol比赛, 专注于房地产, 住宅, 及协会平台. 她的行业知识涵盖了租赁, 勘探市场营销, 集合, 老板, 及租客关系. 她热衷于提供最优质的服务,目标是在她的游戏中名列前茅. Her work is propelled with integrity and undaunted enthusiasm for learning.
兰迪拜耳 is an experienced 房地产经纪人® and a home builder. Randy has been a leader in the building industry for more than 20 年, and is the 老板 of a 赌lol比赛app-area custom home building company. 毕业于赌lol比赛app大学,获工商管理硕士学位 在财务方面,兰迪学习了商业技巧,成功地管理了他的建筑公司——拜耳家园.
他的研究生建筑大师证书(GMB)从住宅建筑商协会支持他天生的建筑赌lol比赛. 拜耳是大赌lol比赛app建筑商协会定制建筑商委员会的成员,Randy也曾在该协会任职 校董会主席, the 2006 President of the Greater 赌lol比赛app Builders Association, and the 2011 President of the 德州 Association of Builders. 兰迪真的很专注于他的手艺.
Randy的长寿和业界公认的领导能力源于他对继续教育的热爱和信念. 他继续学习最新的建筑标准和行业技术,这些技术在他多年来建造的房屋中熠熠生辉. Randy’s expertise is truly an asset to 德州地产.
Enrique has over 20 年 of experience with both residential and commercial 维护. 他领导我们的维修部门,并指导我们的其他维修人员和准备人员在我们的日常运作. 除了, he oversees outside contractors to ensure our quality control. Enrique是一个快速的学习者,有很强的职业道德,他带来了任何维护挑战. 除了, he has great personal skills that enable him to work well with 租户, often diffusing difficult situations while working in the best interest of our 老板s. 租户 appreciate his willingness to get the repair done and solve the problem at hand.
马尔萨史密斯 has been a part of the Area 德州 team since 2016. 她主要负责后台文书工作, 将账单和收据加载到所有者门户, 协助会计部门. 她整理水电费账单, 供应商发票, and any other items that need to be shared with the 老板s via their online portals.
巴斯蒂于2020年加入德克萨斯地区团队,是确保我们的房源在所有平台上都好看的关键. 他在HAR工作, 我们的管理软件AppFolio, and our website to update pictures and listing information on a daily basis. 保持我们的列表新鲜和当前, accurate information is key to turning our listings over quickly.
AREA 德州房地产 & Property 管理 has been proudly serving the 赌lol比赛app area for over twenty 年. Our agents bring a vast amount of experience and dedication to helping their clients. 这是基础 on which our company was built and remains 我们今天成功的关键. We make it our business to exceed your expectations every step of the way.
“AREA 德州房地产提供了出色的服务, professional services and advice for my two 赌lol比赛app properties, leaving me stress-free and able to focus on my overseas assignments.”
冈萨雷斯“我要感谢你所有的辛勤工作和努力,让我们的新物业成功关闭. I know it would not have happened without you and your expert knowledge."
阿尔特和道恩·阿尔瓦雷斯“AREA 德州房地产 & 管理层一直管理着我们在Galleria地区的房产,直到今年早些时候我们重新占用了它. I 我会毫不犹豫地向任何业主推荐他们,如果将来有需要,我肯定会再次使用他们.”
保罗“Thank you 凯文Macicek for making everything so easy for us over the past few 年. We have and will continue to recommend you guys to our co-workers and friends!”
M欧文“凯文Macicek亲力亲为,积极参与管理我们的物业,我们看到了非常好的结果. 他的建议 for pricing and showings have yielded reliable 租户 and in a short time frame. He is also very professional in managing the property on a daily basis.”
艾米Leal“特拉维斯太棒了。! I would highly recommend Travis to anyone without a second thought. 他知道自己在说什么 而且有很多很好的洞察力. We will be forever grateful to Travis for the time I spent helping us !!! "
宝芬妮和雷“AREA 德州房地产 & 管理 has always exceeded our expectations with our rental properties. From managing, leasing, taking care of repairs etc, you 非常棒! Thank you for doing a great job in selling our properties as well."